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Knowy is the perfect way to show off your amazing writing. Grab your visitor’s attention with amazing featured content options (video, gallery & image) and highlight your best posts in the homepage featured content carousel. Make sure your content shines with Knowy’s amazing typography & readability. Prefectly optimized for all mobile devices.



  • Gorgeous design
  • Responsive
  • Translation ready
  • Sidebar Widget area
  • Search Overlay Area
  • Great attention to typography
  • Featured media area

WordPress customizer

  • Change the colors of the theme entirely
  • Enter social icon links
  • Upload a favicon
  • Upload a logo image
  • Show comments by default
  • Disable dropdown sticky menu

Add the categories you wish to show in the footer ajax category to display the latest three posts per category.

ajax footer

Gorgeous Spacing & Typography


Shortcodes plugin

The latest playneshortcodes plugin has been included in the theme download. Use it to easily make detailed pages or posts. Just install it from inside your admin panel and you’ll be able to add shortcodes from a dropdown menu inside your post editor.


Visit the support area or leave me a tweet @playnethemes. I will get back to you within 12 hours or less and help you with any issue you might have.

Each theme also comes with extensive documentation with images to help you understand & change each aspect of the theme.

Credits & changelog